+92 51 215 2148, 848 7618 Email: margalla.financial@gmail.com

Home » Investor Portal

Investor Portal

Account Opening Forms

For opening an account with us, please use the links to download the forms below.  Bring the completed forms to our office in person for completion of the process:

 MF – Account Opening Form

KYC Form


Investor Grievances

If you have any concerns, kindly contact us immediately. We will do our utmost to resolve the issues in the most efficient manner.

For further information, please follow the guidelines in the links below:



Investor Complaint Contact Person

Mr. Abdul Azeem Khan, Director

Tel:  051 – 8487618

Mobile:  0336 -5767877

Email: azeem.khan@margallafinancial.com


Pending Investor Complaints

Currently there are no investor complaints against Margalla Financial (Pvt) Limited


Details of Any Past Actions taken by PSX or SECP

There have never been any investor grievances reported against Margalla Financial (Pvt) Ltd to either PSX or SECP and subsequently no action has even been taken against the brokerage house.


Feedback Form

Margalla Financial – Feedback Form